Monday, January 30, 2023

HCA Neighborhood Meeting & Elections February 25


Neighborhood Meeting and Elections 

Please join us February 25 at 10:00 a.m. via ZOOM to discuss the latest news in Hungerford! 

Meeting details and election information below. In order to maintain our good standing civic association with the City of Rockville we are in need of a few new people to help.  Very minimal time commitment with a considerable impact to our neighbors. 

Topic: HCA Bi-Annual Neighborhood Meeting

Time: Feb 25, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 4195 0987

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,87441950987# US (Washington DC)

+16469313860,,87441950987# US

The HCA Board is nearing the completion of our two year terms and we are seeking candidates for the February elections. The duties are minimal, mostly email based, and we are dedicated to helping transition the new electees to maintain the HCA traditions, and create new ones!

• Serves as chief executive officer of the Association
• Presides at all Association meetings (2 required)
• Appoints chairs of standing committees, establishes special committees as needed.
• Serves as a spokesperson to promote the Association’s mission
• Maintain a yearly agenda and work with the secretary to secure those reservations with the city communication liaison.
Vice President:
• Performs the duties of the President in the absence of the President
• Coordinates committee chairpersons and reports developments to the association
• Takes minutes of meetings and keeps a permanent and accurate record of the Association discussions and actions.
• Maintains other records of the Association, except for financial records that are
maintained by the Treasurer
• Receives and handles all correspondence addressed to the Association
• Keeps accounts of all expenses and income
• File annually with IRS to maintain tax-exempt status
• Makes payments upon authorization of at least one other member of the Exec. Comm.
• Presents written report 2 times per year to the Exec. Comm. and membership
Possible activities and events:
• Holiday events (Memorial Day Potluck, National Night Out in August, Chili Cook-Off, Halloween Party)
• Traffic safety issues • Community yard sale • Propose Capital Improvements Plan on behalf of HCA to City of Rockville • Communicate with other neighborhood civic associations for advocacy issues

Hungerford Association’s Mission:
֎ To advance the interests and welfare of the community of Hungerford and its residents and foster a sense of civic pride and responsibility.
֍ To provide a public forum for the individual
ideas and opinions of the membership.
֍ To represent the community before the city, county, and state governments on matters of the members’ concerns.
֎ To sponsor community projects and
activities in Hungerford.
֍ To support good relationships with neighboring residents and with organizations in the greater Rockville area.

Please respond here or email me if you are able to contribute. 
Without YOU we cannot continue our events and advocacy!