Wednesday, February 5, 2025

HCA Meeting & Board Elections

Virtual Meeting February 5 2025

Members in attendance: #14

Meeting Called to Order at 7:13PM

HCA Board Meeting Election. Unanimous vote for full slate of candidates.


President - Sam Darko

Vice President - Lesley Worth

Secretary - Lauren Bopp

Treasurer - Thomas Lincoln

President's Updates (Ken Liu)

Agenda of upcoming events:

We are asking this year that a family/families "host an event" from the agenda to lighten the lift. We already have the rental request in to Elwood Smith but we know the events could be more impactful if more hands were planning, sharing, setting up and taking down.  Happy to provide more info and assistance: reach out to Patti Westenberg ( or on the Hungerford Facebook thread to claim your event. 

Proposed dates currently open for HCA event hosting:

  • OPEN for anything reservation: Sunday March 9 - 5:30pm to 8 pm

  • OPEN Easter Egg Hunt Saturday April 19 - bring 6 take 6 - any park

  • OPEN for anything inside reservation Sunday April 26 9am to 12pm (historically this date has aligned with a neighborhood yard sale but we are not allowed to sell on the city property) - Becky Plante willing to partner

  • OPEN for anything - Sunday May 4 9am to 12 pm (Becky Plante)

    • Sunday May 4 (Outside we have used this date as the plant swap, inside is open)

    • Can we reserve Dogwood Pavilion for this?

  • OPEN Memorial Day Potluck - Monday May 26 6pm-8pm

  • Sat July 12 Progressive Dinner (Becky Plante)

  • OPEN National Night Out - Tues Aug 5 6PM-8PM 

  • OPEN Chili Cook-Off and HCA Meeting - Sunday Sept 21 6pm-8pm

  • OPEN Trunk & Treat Saturday Oct 25 5pm-7pm (Lauren Bopp)

    • Trunk & Treat Inside open: (maybe some are old enough to do a teen hangout?)

  • OPEN Friendsgiving Sunday Nov 16 6pm-8pm

  • OPEN Cookie Exchange in December (Elwood not available, someone's house?) (Emily Lincoln)

New Business

  • Community Recommendations on Services

    • Monthly rolling post for services/small business recommendations

  • 501.c.4 Status

    • Currently on hold

    • Priority for next board

    • Current recommendation - “Clean hands” - close existing HCA and start a new one

Meeting adjourned 7:38PM

Thank you!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Hungerford Civic Association 2025 Member Meeting & Board Elections

Please join us for the Bi-Annual HCA Member Meeting, but this time its virtual! 

February 5, 2025 at 7 p.m.  

Virtual Meeting Link

We will be voting for the incoming civic association board and confirming the event agenda for the year. Thank you to this terms volunteers! 

Election Nominations:
President - Sam Darko
Vice President - Lesley Worth
Secretary - Lauren Bopp
Treasurer - Thomas Lincoln

We are asking this year that a family/families "host an event" from the agenda to lighten the lift. We already have the rental request in to Elwood Smith but I know the events could be more impactful if more hands were planning, sharing, setting up and taking down.  Happy to provide more info and assistance: reach out to Patti Westenberg ( or on the Hungerford Facebook thread to claim your event. 

Proposed dates currently open for HCA event hosting:

  • OPEN for anything reservation: Sunday March 9 - 4pm to 8 pm
  • Easter Egg Hunt Saturday April 19 - bring 6 take 6 - any park
  • OPEN for anything inside reservation Sunday April 26 9am to 12pm (historically this date has aligned with a neighborhood yard sale but we are not allowed to sell on the city property)
  • OPEN for anything - Sunday May 4 9am to 12 pm
  • (Outside we have used this date as the plant swap, inside is open)
  • Memorial Day Potluck - Monday May 26 6pm-8pm
  • National Night Out - Tues Aug 5 (Elwood unavailable) Block party? Move to Dogwood or Dawson?
  • Chili Cook-Off and HCA Meeting - Sunday Sept 21 6pm-8pm
  • Trunk & Treat Saturday Oct 25 5pm-7pm
    • Trunk & Treat Inside open: (maybe some are old enough to do a teen hangout?)
  • Friendsgiving Sunday Nov 16 6pm-8pm
  • Cookie Exchange in December (Elwood not available, someone's house?)

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

HCA Meeting Minutes

Saturday, September 21st at 6:15PM

Members in attendance: Ken Liu, Lesley Worth, William Meyer, Kevin Arnold, Emily Lincoln, Patti Westenberg, Danielle Pham, Ian Hill, Eric Westenberg, Holger Roth, Georgina Roth, Sam Steel, Beth Steel, Deborah Tallman

President Updates - Ken Liu

*Thank you to Hjarman Cordero at the City of Rockville for his support of the HCA over the past several years. We wish him the best with his next endeavor!

*Please make sure to get out and vote! Our neighborhood has historically low voting numbers, so please get out and exercise this right.

*Remaining events for 2024:

    - Progressive Dinner on October 5th: Please sign up at the Google sheet in the mailer or Facebook event

    - Trunk or Treat on October 26th

    - Friendsgiving on November 16th

*Elections for the HCA Board will be held in February 2025. Please reach out to the current board if you're interested in joining!

Treasurer Updates - None

New Business

*William Meyer

    - No left turn at Fleet St: Email was sent regarding the city's process for the no left turn at Fleet St. The HCA board will request to update the contact information for the HCA but will not be taking any other action at this time.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Hi Neighbors! 

Below are the HCA events for 2024. Please let the HCA Board know if there are any other events that you'd like to host/run/manage this year and we'll help support. We're also open to any feedback from the neighborhood to make our events more successful. Thank you!

4th Annual Neighborhood Plant Swap

Saturday, April 27th from 9AM - 11AM

Dawson Farm Park Pavilion


Bring plants/seedlings/seed packets to exchange with neighbors and take some home for your own gardening delight!

Memorial Day Picnic & HCA Meeting

Monday, May 27th from 6PM - 8PM

Elwood Smith Community Center


We hope you can join us for our annual Memorial Day picnic at Elwood Smith community center and playground.

Monday May 27th from 6-8PM. Tables and chairs are provided, bathrooms available. The HCA Meeting will be at 6PM.

It’s another BBQ potluck!

Please bring something to share with your neighbors (approx 10-12 servings) that you'd traditionally associate with a BBQ/cookout/tailgate!

A prize and bragging rights will be awarded to the most voted savory and sweet selection.

Bring some lawn games, BYOBeverages and get ready to have some fun!

Annual National Night Out

Tuesday, August 6th from 6PM - 8PM

Elwood Smith Community Center


Welcome to NNO! We're going to have a potluck, educational tables, and city first responders and educators coming in for National Night Out! Please RSVP and mention what you'll bring in the comments!

Please let us know if you'd like to host a table too, we will set up a table/chair space for you!



The introduction of National Night Out, "America's Night Out Against Crime," in 1984 began an effort to promote involvement in crime prevention activities, police-community partnerships, neighborhood camaraderie, and send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. The National Night Out program culminates annually, on the first Tuesday of August. National Night Out now involves over 37 million people and 15,000 communities from all fifty states, U.S. Territories, Canadian cities, and military bases worldwide.

The traditional "lights on" campaign and symbolic front porch vigils turned into a celebration across America with various events and activities including, but not limited to, block parties, cookouts, parades, visits from emergency personnel, rallies and marches, exhibits, youth events, safety demonstrations, and seminars in effort to heighten awareness and enhance community relations.

HCA Meeting & Chili Cookoff

Saturday, September 21st from 6PM - 8PM

Elwood Smith Community Center


Save the date for our Hungerford Civic Association Meeting from 6-6:30p.m. AND our third annual CHILI COOK OFF from 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Please RSVP and let us know if you plan to cook for the event!

Hungerford's Trunk or Treat

Saturday, October 26th from 5PM - 7PM

Elwood Smith Parking Lot


Save the date for our neighborhood Trunk or Treat! More details to come closer to the date!

Hungerford's Friendsgiving

Saturday, November 16th from 6PM - 8PM

Elwood Smith Community Center


We hope you can join us for Hungerford's second annual Friendsgiving on Saturday, November 16th from 6-8pm at the Elwood Smith Community Center!

Bring a dish to share and join us at community tables to mix and mingle with neighbors!

Comment below with any questions and let us know what you're planning to bring to Friendsgiving! We hope to see you there!

Saturday, February 25, 2023

 Hungerford Civic Association General Membership Meeting

Saturday February 25th
remote via Zoom

Meeting called to order at 10:03am by Patti Westenberg

Motion to approve minutes by Erin Schechter, 2nd by Melvin Figerero

·       Passed

President’s Report
Patti Westenberg

·       Review of modes of communications

o   Facebook group

o   Google groups

o   Website

·       Annual agenda

o   May 20th Yard Sale and Plant Swap

o   May 29th Memorial Day Picnic

o   July 8th Progressive Dinner/Porches & Cocktails

o   August 1st National Night Out

o   September 17th HCA Meeting and Chili Cookoff

o   October 28th Trunk or Treat

·       CIP response

o   Essentially declined on all requests

o   City will look into a city wide neighborhood ID sign

Treasurer’s Report
Seth Kraft

·       Summary of tax exempt status

o   HCA had previously held tax exempt status but it has lapses and we are no longer in good standing with the IRS

o   Attempts to reinstate have thus far been unsuccessful

o   We recently received communication from IRS clarifying contents of a previous communication that was never received: in order to be in good standing we must submit the original organizing documents filed on 4/30/97 with the Maryland Secretary of State

§  We have been unable to locate these and the MD SOS reports they have no record of our organization

§  If we are unable to locate these documents we can submit a signed declaration to the IRS

o   Regardless of document status, we will need to pay the $600 filing fee again



o   Candidate slate

o   President: Ken Liu

o   Vice President: Madeline Vitek Memenza

o   Treasurere: Erin Schecter

o   Secretary: Lesley Worth

o   Call for additional interested candidates

o   None noted

o   Motion by Kaley to elect entire slate, 2nd by Melvin Figerero

o   17 votes in favor

o   0 votes against

New Business

o   Reminder by Gene Thierolf that the upcoming City elections will include two new council member seats

Meeting adjourned 10:33 AM

Monday, January 30, 2023

HCA Neighborhood Meeting & Elections February 25


Neighborhood Meeting and Elections 

Please join us February 25 at 10:00 a.m. via ZOOM to discuss the latest news in Hungerford! 

Meeting details and election information below. In order to maintain our good standing civic association with the City of Rockville we are in need of a few new people to help.  Very minimal time commitment with a considerable impact to our neighbors. 

Topic: HCA Bi-Annual Neighborhood Meeting

Time: Feb 25, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 4195 0987

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,87441950987# US (Washington DC)

+16469313860,,87441950987# US

The HCA Board is nearing the completion of our two year terms and we are seeking candidates for the February elections. The duties are minimal, mostly email based, and we are dedicated to helping transition the new electees to maintain the HCA traditions, and create new ones!

• Serves as chief executive officer of the Association
• Presides at all Association meetings (2 required)
• Appoints chairs of standing committees, establishes special committees as needed.
• Serves as a spokesperson to promote the Association’s mission
• Maintain a yearly agenda and work with the secretary to secure those reservations with the city communication liaison.
Vice President:
• Performs the duties of the President in the absence of the President
• Coordinates committee chairpersons and reports developments to the association
• Takes minutes of meetings and keeps a permanent and accurate record of the Association discussions and actions.
• Maintains other records of the Association, except for financial records that are
maintained by the Treasurer
• Receives and handles all correspondence addressed to the Association
• Keeps accounts of all expenses and income
• File annually with IRS to maintain tax-exempt status
• Makes payments upon authorization of at least one other member of the Exec. Comm.
• Presents written report 2 times per year to the Exec. Comm. and membership
Possible activities and events:
• Holiday events (Memorial Day Potluck, National Night Out in August, Chili Cook-Off, Halloween Party)
• Traffic safety issues • Community yard sale • Propose Capital Improvements Plan on behalf of HCA to City of Rockville • Communicate with other neighborhood civic associations for advocacy issues

Hungerford Association’s Mission:
֎ To advance the interests and welfare of the community of Hungerford and its residents and foster a sense of civic pride and responsibility.
֍ To provide a public forum for the individual
ideas and opinions of the membership.
֍ To represent the community before the city, county, and state governments on matters of the members’ concerns.
֎ To sponsor community projects and
activities in Hungerford.
֍ To support good relationships with neighboring residents and with organizations in the greater Rockville area.

Please respond here or email me if you are able to contribute. 
Without YOU we cannot continue our events and advocacy!