The Hungerford Resolves

During the prelude to the American Revolution, a spiral of confrontations occurred between American colonials and the British government. The core dispute regarded the rights of American colonists as British subjects, particularly that of being taxed without representation in the legislatures levying such taxes (Parliament). The British government attempted a series of tax schemes in the colonies: Stamp Act, Townsend Duties, etc. The colonists generally resented and resisted these. One such act of resistence was the Boston Tea Party when colonial patriots in Boston dumped a cargo of tea to prevent its taxed importation. The British government's response was passage of the "Intolerable Acts", a series of actions including the closure of the Boston Harbor, until recompense was made for the destroyed cargo.

In sympathy with Boston residents when their harbor was closed, colonial patriots in Montgomery County (then the lower part of a much larger Frederick County), met in the settlement that would become Rockville at Charles Hungerford's tavern on June 11, 1774. [note: This structure was situated on the NW corner of Jefferson and Washington Streets. It no longer exists.] "They expressed support for the Boston protesters by passing and publishing five bold resolutions, and selected ten men to represent their sentiments at an upcoming meeting in Annapolis. The Hungerford resolves were Rockville's contribution to the events that led to the Declaration of Independence two years later to the American Revolution."**

The Hungerford Resolves

Resolved, unanimously, That it is the opinion of this meeting that the Town of Boston is now suffering in the Common Cause of America.
Resolved, unanimously, That every legal and constitutional measure ought to be used by all America for procuring a repeal of the Act of Parliament for blocking up the Harbour of Boston.
Resolved, unanimously, That it is the opinion of this meeting that the most effectual means for the securing of American Freedom will be to break off all Commerce with Great Britain and the West Indies until the said act be repealed and the right of taxation given upon permanent principles.
Resolved, unanimously, That Mr. Henry Griffith, Dr. Thomas Sprigg Wootton, Nathan Magruder, Even Thomas, Richard Brooke, Richard Thomas, Zadok Magruder, Dr. William Baker, Thomas Cramphin Jr., and Allen Bowie be a committee to attend the general committee at Annapolis, and that any six of them shall have the power to receive and communicate intelligence to and from their neighboring committees.

Resolved, unanimously, That a copy of these our sentiments be immediately transmitted to Annapolis and inserted in the Maryland Gazette.
At Hungerford's Tavern,
11th June, 1774
Signed per Order,
Archibald Orme, Clerk

** Eileen McGuckian, Rockville, Portrait of a City. Hillsboro Press, 2001. p. 14. 

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