Friday, April 23, 2021

HCA Meeting Minutes 4/17

 4/17 2:30pm 

Tax Update- Jackie Lin
  • History: previously small groups such as ours were not required to file annually with the IRS.  The law was changed several years ago.  The HCA became non-compliant and lost our good standing with Maryland and the IRS.  We are currently several years into the process of rectifying this situation, mainly so that we are able to apply for and accept grants.  
  • HCA is now in good standing with the State of Maryland
  • 1024A for 501c4 status has been submitted to the IRS, they subsequently closed the case.  An appeal for a reopening of the case under the previous filing fee ($600) has been filed given the HCA followed all instructions and the IRS is responsible for the lack of communication that led to the closure.  We are currently awaiting a response.  
  • Question was asked, has our federal representative been involved?  Answer, we have not contacted them.  A resident who works on Capitol Hill offered to assist with this process.  
Social Events- Patti Westenberg 
  • All events are indefinitely postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions.  There are no rentals from City facilities at this time.  
  • On a typical year at a minimum there would be a Memorial Day Picnic and National Night Out gathering
Elwood Smith Update- Patti Westenberg 
  • Playground has been delayed due to weather.  After each rain the ground must dry before additional work can be done.  
  • The hope is to install new playground by mid-May with completion of project by the end of May.
  • It was noted by a resident and a post that signage at ES is not consistent between English and Spanish.  Specifically, the English signage lists alcohol as allowed by permit, the Spanish language signage bans all alcohol.  We will contact the City and ask for parity.  (Rebecca Plante to contact) 
Social Media Policy- Jeff Perkins 
  • The Yahoo group has migrated to google groups.  Only 54 members are on the new email list.  Keep an eye out for further information to sign up.  
  • The Facebook group does not currently have a specific code of conduct.  Having a code of conduct is now standard practice for online groups.  There have been several discussions over the past few years that would have benefited from ground rules and moderation.  Going forward a code of conduct will be released and the Facebook group will be moderated.  The intent is to allow for robust neighborhood discussion while also maintaining an environment that feels safe for all neighbors.  
  • Suggestion was made to model rules after the Buy Nothing groups given they are clear, comprehensive, and open source.  
  • The HCA has generally taken the position that it exists to facilitate interaction with the City not necessarily to advocate for specific outcomes, especially given that there are often diverse viewpoints within the neighborhood.  If residents have specific interests or concerns the City is very open to discussion with residents.  Most meetings are open to the public.  There are open office hours each Monday.  If you have questions on how to interface with the City reach out to the BOD and we will assist you.  
Traffic and Transportation- Jeff Perkins, Rebecca Plante, Marc Plante 
  • A petition was done by residents concerned about speeding on West Edmonston.  The petition asked that the City investigate speeding, it did not have specific requests.  It did acknowledge that speed bumps were not the preferred solution of the petitioners.  
  • The City completed a speed study and held an open community forum.
  • Study findings: the average speed has decreased each year a study has been done, there is not evidence West Edmonston is frequently used as a cut through street.  
  • Current proposal: Painting of shoulder parking lanes from Curtis to Maxim (photos of similar examples within Rockville are available in the Powerpoint slides) and addition of crosswalks running parallel to West Edmonston (not across.)  They will reevaluate traffic after the measures have been implemented.  
  • If you have concerns you may reach out to the City.  The Traffic and Transportation Committee meetings are open to the public (currently on Zoom) and are available on the City calendar.
  • I270 expansion: if community members would like a community meeting from the SHA regarding this project it may be requested.  No interest was expressed by those in attendance.  
  • WMATA Rockville Metro Station project process beginning.  Watch your email for further information if you wish to be involved.  This is envisioned to be a large project to connect East and West Rockville and to transition to a transportation hub, similar to the Silver Spring hub.  
  • Resident question: request for City to investigate the rise of speeding on Wootton Parkway, the BOD will inquire
  • Resident question: what is the status of the possible addition of a turn lane from West Edmonston onto Wootton Parkway.  This was studied and the request was denied. 
  • Resident question: what is the status of the mini parks at West Edmonston and Wootton Pkwy that were promised as part of the Wootton Parkway Plan?  The BOD will inquire.  
Rockville 2040 Comprehensive Plan- Jeff Perkins 
  • The plan is available to read.  The section on Hungerford is brief.  It specifically addresses six possible projects to include several relevant traffic projects regarding connecting Monroe Street with Tower Oaks Drive and New Mark Esplanade as well as Elwood Smith updates and monitoring traffic impact of BRES.  
  • Further information here:

Leslie Porter
  • Noticed the trash cans in the parks are drainless and must be flipped to empty. This leads to water accumulation that becomes contaminated with garbage and animal waste.  This water then splashes the workers who empty the cans and contaminates the ground.  A request has been put in to install cans with lids to prevent this.  
Bill Dillinger
  • Bylaws require new BOD elections every two years.  The HCA is currently three months overdue. 
  • Response: anticipate elections in August.  Any community members interested in running for a position please contact the secretary ( to be placed on the slate.  Further details to be released at a later date.