Friday, August 16, 2019

A note from HCA President Jeff Perkins

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to drop everyone a note to pass along the meeting minutes from the HCA meeting last month. A large number of topics were covered so please review the minutes BELOW and feel free to reach out if you want more information. 

Also in the minutes is our next couple of identified neighborhood events. I heard the National Night Out pot luck was a success despite the weather. We hope to continue to grow and include participants in these social events so please pass along word that we'll be having a neighborhood day on September 28th which will consist of yard sales and a meet and greet for Rockville city council candidates. Then, on October 26th, we'll have the annual trunk or treat. 

With elections soon approaching make sure you visit the city's FAQ information page,, should you have any questions. 

Look forward to seeing everyone again in a few weeks.

Best Regards, 
Jeff Perkins & The HCA Board  

HCA Meeting Minutes 7/28/19
10:30 am at Dawson Farm Park
Attendance: 14 ( +6 kids)

·       Welcome Jeff Perkins
·       City Updates Jeff Perkins
o   Stone Ridge Pond Update
§  Plan for mid-August completion of heavy machinery and removal of fencing
§  Smaller work on vegetation in September/October
§  Financial penalties have been enacted secondary to delay
·       Question of where penalties go?  Do funds go back to City of Rockville and can any be redirected to the neighborhood?  To be determined.
o   FAST regulations
§  Minimal online information
§  Expediting smaller projects/permits/building projects, lessened regulatory review
§  Review pamphlet for more information
o   Richie Parkway drainage project
§  Working on getting city contact for updates
o   Downtown and Town Square recommendations
§  Meeting was recorded and is available for viewing online
§  Summary of recommendations
·       Improving signage
·       Increase advertising
·       Possibility of adding senior resource center/youth resources 
·       Change traffic flow
o   Sealing off North Washington? 
·       Full report will be provided to City in next 1-2 months
o   City commissions Marc Plante
§  Please volunteer on city commissions!  It is an easy application process.  
§  Forward any current volunteers
§  There is currently a Boards and Commissions Task Force at City level
§  Contact mayor and council for city input and suggestions

Previous Business
·       Budget Update Jackie Lin
o   < $2000 in bank account, does not include anticipated fees for 5013c
§  Next grant process for Rockville opens 12/19
·       Update on Maryland tax filings Jackie Lin
o   The HCA needs to be in good standing for Rockville
o   Due to changes to Federal Regulations on non-profits we now must file as an existing entity.  Regulations are retroactive, therefore HCA not currently established and delinquent
§  HCA BOD is trying to establish a 501c(3)  
o   501c(4) allows for political advocacy
§  Con: higher annual cost
o   C(3) does not allow political advocacy
§  Benefit for taking donations
§  Lower cost to establish and file
§  Articles for Rival in process w/ state, it is a difficult/lengthy process
·       The treasurer is waiting response to a request for assistance from county volunteer office.  Also looking for neighborhood volunteers w/ legal and tax expertise   

New Business
·       Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) 2021 Patti Westenberg
o   Looking for committee members
o   Proposal must spend $25,000
o   Proposal ideas for Elwood Smith grounds
§  Invasive tree removal
§  Picnic grounds
§  Natural playground
§  Restroom access
§  Walkway by waterways
o   Due by December/January
·       Traffic Update- Marc Plante
o   Sits on city committee
o   City has been active on citizen concerns
o   Meets monthly 4th Tuesday, meetings are open to public
o   Pedestrian study
§  Majority incidents are pedestrian caused
§  Commission is working measures in Town Center
o   Hungerford specific concerns
§  Mt Vernon Place pedestrian crossings to RM trail
·       There had been safety concerns regarding limited sight lines
o   No Parking x 2 car spots have been added at every pedestrian crosswalk to increase sight lines
§  West Edmonston right turn lane onto Wootton Pkwy
·       Traffic study will be completed when school is in session to evaluate bus traffic and turning radius
·       Anticipate September evaluation, likely recommendations shortly thereafter
·       They are optimistic that a turn lane addition will be feasible
§  Ride On Flex
·       Hungerford is “transit desert”
o   We are part of one year pilot study
·       Flex/on demand service via an ap
o   “corner to corner service”
o   Between Hungerford, Rockville Town Square and metro
·       If we don’t utilize as a neighborhood during pilot we may loose the service
·       FREE for seniors and students, $2/ride otherwise
§  Wootton Pkwy speeding concerns from neighborhood residents
·       Will bring up to commission at next meeting
§  Please bring up and forward any concerns! 
·       Monique Ashton
o   RM Cluster Coordinator  
§  Currently communicates to neighborhood via local PTA.  They are attempting to also work out communication directly with neighborhood organizations
§  Advocate and engage w/ principals, leadership and families
§  We have a strong cluster
·       RM # 7 in Maryland
·       Successful first year for BRES
o   Good principle
o   World Language school
§  Currently there are at least 45 minutes per week of language instruction for ALL students
·       Issues for next year and a planned reduction in resources have been restored for 2020
o   Possible reduction again in 2021, will need more community involvement to advocate to keep school wide resources  
o   Opening ceremony coming soon
§  County is looking at expanding IB program county wide/decentralizing the IB program.  RM is currently the only school that pulls from across county
·       1000 IB applicants per year, ~ 300 get in
·       IB is essential to strength of RM cluster
§  Boundary issues
·       RM Specific
o   6 portables at RM already, cluster is constantly growing Overcrowding is a concern.
§  Possible strategies: move kids out vs build more schools in cluster
§  MCPS is building new high school in Crown to open ~ 2025, 5 cluster boundary study including RM will be involved with the Crown boundary decisions
·       County study
o   MCPS has a request for proposal out for overall analysis
§  We are several years out from the actual boundary study
§  Everything is on the table for the county
·       Plan to address volume and diversity concerns
§  Significant capacity is on the outskirts of the county, a lot of growth/need is in city centers
§  Potential to move IB to move volume
§  The process needs significant eyes and cross checks from community
·       Errors can be made on county level
§  Next meeting on FRP 7/29
o   Pedestrian Advocacy Committee
§  Meets monthly, first Thursday of month at 7pm
§  Currently working on pedestrian portal
·       Tracks heat maps and issues being reported
§  Meetings are open to everyone
§  Eyes Up Rockville
·       Advocacy campaign to bring awareness to pedestrian safety
§  Group is addressing E-scooters and safety
·       Pilot program in county
·       200 scooters in Rockville, 200 more coming
·       Scooters are considered bikes and should conform to bike rules
·       Riders should be 18 years and up
·       There are many pros and cons to program
·       If you find one you can call the City for removal
·       Villages Update Trish Evans
o   Summary: the Villages concept began as an opportunity for neighborhoods could help each other.  Started as senior support so that seniors can age in place.  Current iteration is more multigenerational. 
o   Local examples: King Farm, Twinbrook just incorporated (East Rockville and West End are looser)
§  KF has more senior members
§  Twinbrook very socially oriented
o   City does not dictate structure, Villages are locally organized
§  City provides support only
·       Free city rentals
·       Software support
·       Logistical support
·       Woodley Waves
o   5013c has been established to try and save the group
·       Deer population
o   Request for city response on overpopulation
o   Update from Beryl Feinberg
§  There has been a unanimous vote by mayor and council to approve a culling
·       Coordinated by Parks and Rec committee
·       There is a longstanding plan with pilot plan already approved
o   Awaiting approval from State DNR
·       Update anticipated in December
·       Next summer/fall first pilot culling, unclear which Rockville park

Future Dates
·       National Night Out August 6
o   National police night/organization
o   Potluck
o   6-8 @ ES
o   Bounce house provided by Rockville
·       September 28th
o   Candidate Forum 1:30pm
§  There is a possible conflict with televised City dates 
o   Community wide yard sale in morning
o   HCA meeting  
·       October 26 Trunk or Treat at Elwood Smith 4 to 6