The BOD met recently to discuss the upcoming year. Below is a draft calendar of events. Let the board know if you want to either help out with or head up an event!
We are hoping to do several dine out events in 2022. Because we do not charge membership dues we have essentially no budget other than what we can get in grants. These will be an opportunity to support a local business AND raise some money for events for the HCA. Keep you eye out for more info.
Draft Calendar of Events for 2022
January Dine Out event
February Cookie exchange and HCA meeting
March Rockville Town Center skating
April Easter egg hunt, movie
May Memorial Day Picnic, Plant exchange/neighborhood yard sale
June Progressive Dinner
July Movie
August 8/2 National Night Out
September Chili cook off and HCA meeting
October 10/30 Trunk or Treat
November Kids Turkey Trot?
December Holiday decorating contest