Upcoming General Meeting
A General Meeting of the Hungerford Civic Association has been
scheduled for
Monday, February 27, 2017
Beginning at 7:00 pm
Elwood Smith Community Center (601 Harrington Road)
All residents of the Hungerford Neighborhood are welcome and invited
to attend. Join with your neighbors and hear about what is
happening in and around our neighborhood.
Tentative Agenda
- Police Report
- Rockville Villages - Neighbor helping neighbor
- City Report
- Landscape Committee
- Needs for our neighborhood
We are going to offer two small door prizes at our meeting. A
previous resident of Hungerford, Mr. Kai Hu, painted a series of
small watercolor paintings, one for each person who worked on the
recent landscaping project. We have a few left over. Therefore those
who attend the meeting can put their name in and we will pick two
winners who can each choose a painting.
Light refreshments will be served.
Please help spread the word! Tell a neighbor and bring a friend!