The City of Rockville will be conducting a Community Field Walk this
Saturday to discuss the planning for the rehabilitation of the
Hungerford-Stoneridge Stormwater Management Facility, aka the Hungerford
Stoneridge Pond.
Hungerford neighbors are encouraged to meet at 10 a.m. on Saturday,
Sept. 10 at Hungerford-Stoneridge Park, at the corner of Leverton Road
and Cabin John Parkway, to discuss the concepts, provide input, and ask
questions about the project.
Project Description:
The Department of Public Works (DPW) has begun the design of the Hungerford-Stoneridge Stormwater Management (SWM) Facility Improvements project. Originally constructed in the late 1990’s, the facility treats the runoff from over 450 acres, almost half of which is impervious area such as asphalt, concrete, and buildings. The pond cells and shallow marsh area have accumulated sediment over the years, reducing the facility’s treatment capacity.
At the direction of DPW staff, the city’s consultant, Bayland Consultants and Designers, Inc., has prepared two design concepts for facility improvements. These concepts include deepening and expanding the treatment cells, improving the channel that connects them, and planting new high/low marsh vegetation and trees throughout the facility for wildlife habitat and aesthetics. Detailed information about the concepts and project is available at
The project goals are to enhance the SWM facility function through sediment removal, wetland enhancement, and modifications to improve facility maintainability and stormwater treatment. The project was recommended in the 2011 Cabin John Watershed Study as a crucial component to the long-term health of the watershed. The study was approved by the Mayor and Council in July 2011, and the project was first included in the adopted Fiscal Year 2016 Capital Improvements Program.
Cabin John Stream Valley Park at Cabin John Parkway and Leverton Road
Design completion: March 2017. Construction begins: Summer 2017.
Design: $81,000. Construction: $900,000 (estimated).
Gabe Kosarek, Rockville Project Manager, at 240-314-8513 or
Hjarman Cordero, Senior Rockville Neighborhood Resources Coordinator, at 240-314-8344 or