Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Door to Door Solicitation

At our meeting, both the chief of police and Tom Howley from Community Enhancement & Code Enforcement answered questions about folks soliciting door to door in our neighborhood.  All salespeople are required to wear a city-issued badge, an example of which is shown below.

Exceptions to this requirement:
  1. Any person who is upon the premises at the request or invitation of the owners or occupants thereof;
  2. Persons selling merchandise to manufacturers, wholesalers or retailers for use in their business or for resale;
  3. Persons who take orders solely for the delivery of newspapers;
  4. Hawkers or peddlers who are licensed pursuant to article VII of this chapter;
  5. Any resident person sixteen (16) years of age or less;
  6. Any City resident who is soliciting on behalf of and is authorized by a nonprofit organization. 
On #6, if someone was unfamiliar to you and you do not know whether they were a City resident or not, the City suggests that  you simply say "no thanks".   If a person is at all aggressive, you may always call the Mr. Howley's office at (240) 314-8330 and they will send someone out to investigate. If an unlicensed solicitor arrives in the evening, or over the weekend, you may always call the Police non-emergency line at (240) 314-8900 and a Police Officer will investigate.  The Police Dispatch office is provided a list and photocopies of each license holder.